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Company Spokesman
Tom Chuang

Consolidated Financial Statements

Unconsolidated Financial Statements

Monthly Revenue

(In Thousands of New Taiwan Dollars)
Month Net Revenue YoY Change Edit
January 208,747 8.62%
February 172,795 -31.04%
March 208,651 -8.81%
April 232,337 7.65%
May 261,605 20.98%
June 228,678 -5.88%
July 295,862 11.88%
August 298,641 28.30%
September 310,055 27.97%
October 281,518 47.38%
November 303,125 54.10%
December 303,317 42.72%
2024 Total 3,105,331 15.58%

Organization Chart

Organization_ Chart_EN


Management Information

Chih-Feng Chen
Set up and execute the company's important strategies and plans.
General Manager
Jack Feng
Coordinate Taiwan HQ and global subsidiaries to achieve operational goals.
Tom Chuang
Public announcements and endorsements.


Stakeholders Related Topic Communication Channel Situation Contact Window Edit
Investor Annual report, Website

1. Issue annual and financial reports through the website
2. Hold stakeholder meetings

Tom Chuang

Employee Welfare Committee, Company internal, Website staff training, New staff meeting

1. Provide equal opportunities for each employee.
2. Provide a comprehensive compensation system for employees
3. Hold irregular lectures.

Sally Lin
Human Resources Manager

Client Customer satisfaction questionnaire

1. Design green products to reduce harmful substances.

Director of Sales

Media Website/email

1. Disclosure of operational information monthly.
2. Unduly disclose operating results and targets.

Tom Chuang

Supplier Purchase contract, Interview questionnaire

1. Promote green supply chains.

Wisent Huang
Head of Procurement

Community Website/email

1. Set environmental and sanitation procedures.
2. Stay in close contact with the community.
3. Help the poor nearby.

Eason Chiu
Director of Planning

Government Document, Group meeting

1. Participate in meetings held by the supervisory body.

Louie Liu
Director of audit

Shareholder Service

2023 Shareholder Meeting
Year Time Place Edit
2023 9:00 a.m., Mon. June 19, 2023 CCP Headquarters (6th Floor, No. 8, Ln. 24, Heping Rd., Banqiao Dist., New Taipei City)

Information of Shareholders' Meeting

Investor Conference Presentation

Important Information of CCP

Please link to M.O.P.S (Market Observation Post System) Enter the stock code: "6217" to search and enter the time interval to search..

Stock Quotes

Taiwan Stock Exchange (Code: 6217)

Yahoo Finance Real Time Stock Quotes: ISIN: TW0006217003

Dividend Information

Please link to M.O.P.S (Market Observation Post System) Enter the stock code: "6217" in quick search.

Stock Service Agent

Web: www.kgieworld.com.tw
Tel: +886-2-2314-8800
Add: 4F., No. 2, Sec. 1, Chongqing S. Rd Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
